It's just a stressful time all around. Isolation. Job loss. Illness.
Here are some suggestions. Rescue Remedy (Bach Flower Essence mix) 4 x per day. The repetition is important right now to get the full effect. This is a gentle, pregnancy and breastfeeding friendly, flower essence mixture that can be found at most pharmacies and health food stores. It's in a yellow bottle, sometimes near the checkout. HeartMath Relaxations Your heart is in constant interface with the environment and the rest of you body. It plays a key role in adaptation and health. So support your heart health by using the easy HeartMath relaxations. Homeopathy Crisis situations bring our stresses and fears to the surface. It is the perfect time to have a holistic homeopathy consultation in order to express what is happening on the inside and to receive a remedy that will improve your overall health and immunity.
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Emma Banks D.Hom.
I am a homeopath and holistic health consultant for adults and children. Archives
September 2023
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