Ready to take the next step towards a healthier life?
I would be delighted to work with you.
In case of emergency,
please contact your healthcare provider, doctor, or go directly to the hospital.
The homeopath is not a medical doctor, so she does not treat or diagnose any medical condition, ever. If you are looking for treatment or diagnosis for any disease, injury or medical condition or other issue, such as psychological, please seek medical treatment. I also cannot give any advice on medicines, such as pharmaceutical medicines, please see your doctor or pharmacist for information on medicines or dosages. I cannot order nor interpret laboratory testing.
Homeopathic medicine does not treat disease. The homeopath is not trained in medicine.
The homeopathic medicine shows the body a mirror of what is happening (prolonged stress) that is setting up the body to be susceptible to illness. It is the body’s own reaction to this mirror, a dissolution of the state of stress, that initiates the innate self-healing capacities of the body itself. The homeopathic medicine does not treat any illness, bacteria, virus, or parasite. The homeopathic medicine only regulates the susceptibility of the body to various stressors and is a signal to the mitochondria of the current state of prolonged stress.
For non-emergencies only,
speak to a homeopath at any time of day or night through this website:
Please note that I am not in any way affiliated with this service, but it's awesome that they are
available for you 24/7, with no appointment needed, since I am available by appointment only at this time.