(Name of child) has almost completely stopped wetting the bed! If it happens it's "normal" times like being overtired, but I think it's only happened twice. We have our days of crazy (name of child) still but they're not often and he's pretty cognizant of his behavior.
I've dosed (Name of child) with (homeopathic remedy) when I feel like she needs it - she has NO ALLERGIES now! She can eat absolutely everything without a problem. I wonder if it was my diet change that helped her too? Not sure, but before she couldn't do peanuts, eggs, or dairy, and now she loves all of it. No constipation issues anymore, either. -anonymous (this mother is quite familiar with homeopathy so "when I feel like she needs it" is actually based on specific criteria and experience.)
From a mother of a young baby:
I ended up giving her a drop of calc carb the other night because at 10 pm she was still awake and screaming. She went to sleep and then pooped three times yesterday. I know homeopathy works, but it still amazes me when these things happen.
I ended up giving her a drop of calc carb the other night because at 10 pm she was still awake and screaming. She went to sleep and then pooped three times yesterday. I know homeopathy works, but it still amazes me when these things happen.
p.s. I am doing so amazing in my brain and mood, I can't even express to you how grateful I am. I have never been this mentally healthy and whole. I still have ups and downs with reducing the medication, but every time I take (homeopathic medicine) I get back on track within a week or so. As you know, I moved back and a friend here asked me, "what did you do?? You are a totally new person! You radiate when you enter a room! Before you moved, it was like you were carrying the weight of the world, and seemed so heavy". I just cried happy tears, I am so grateful.
A client emailed me with the following cold symptoms during pregnancy:
Help! Cold Symptoms?
I’ve been feeling worn down, sneezing/runny nose/post nasal drip, dry/scratchy throat, feeling full on sides of head, so so tired. I thought it was the change in weather/temperature (this week it really solidified into fall temps here), but I’m feeling a bit worse. What can I do?! Would love to kick this asap as I feel overwhelmed with baby prep already
On further investigation, she shared the following:
I don’t have everything packed and ready, in my head I know I have at least several weeks but feels like it’s going to happen tomorrow and I’m not going to be ready and I am going to be scrambling. Like I’m not going to be prepared and I’m not going to end up to have birth that I want because everything is not prepared. I’m obsessively do everything I can to try to prevent that.
I told my husband that I feel like I am never going to feel ready. Even if I got everything done off the list I would not feel ready.
Gelsemium 200C
In water as needed.
Went well! The day after I took my first dose I told my husband we didn’t need to spend time doing birth prep because I felt prepared, and he asked if I took my constitutional because it was SO different from how anxious I’ve been
Help! Cold Symptoms?
I’ve been feeling worn down, sneezing/runny nose/post nasal drip, dry/scratchy throat, feeling full on sides of head, so so tired. I thought it was the change in weather/temperature (this week it really solidified into fall temps here), but I’m feeling a bit worse. What can I do?! Would love to kick this asap as I feel overwhelmed with baby prep already
On further investigation, she shared the following:
I don’t have everything packed and ready, in my head I know I have at least several weeks but feels like it’s going to happen tomorrow and I’m not going to be ready and I am going to be scrambling. Like I’m not going to be prepared and I’m not going to end up to have birth that I want because everything is not prepared. I’m obsessively do everything I can to try to prevent that.
I told my husband that I feel like I am never going to feel ready. Even if I got everything done off the list I would not feel ready.
Gelsemium 200C
In water as needed.
Went well! The day after I took my first dose I told my husband we didn’t need to spend time doing birth prep because I felt prepared, and he asked if I took my constitutional because it was SO different from how anxious I’ve been
Seeing lots of improvement. Meltdowns have significantly decreased and he's peeing like a normal kid now.
I began working with Emma shortly after I contracted a virus. I felt overcome by stress and anxiety at the thought of living with this for the rest of my life. I shared all of this with Emma, and she quickly honed in on the pattern (feel free to change this word to a better representation of homeopathy!) of my symptoms and recommended a remedy. Since then, I've had barely any symptoms - physically or emotionally. I'm beginning to feel like myself again, but a more grounded, sure, and true me. Emma is always so kind and listens so attentively; I feel so heard and understood during our appointments. I am so grateful for the beautiful way that she understands the whole person - emotionally, physically and spiritually - to decide upon her treatment recommendations. In just a few short weeks, I feel better than I could have imagined. -Anonymous
Hi Emma, just a quick initial update - the coughing slowed down a lot even a couple hours after taking her remedy. By the next morning, coughing was rare, and pretty much non-existent! She said she hadn't mentioned it, but had been feeling a little dizzy, but that went away too! She said her stomach muscles and throat were a little sore, which is to be expected with the amount of coughing she was doing. I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet this morning, but she is doing great so far, just amazing!
Will send another update in a week or so.
Thank you!!
Will send another update in a week or so.
Thank you!!
I decided to start doing homeopathy because my autoimmune symptoms were very severe and they significantly affected my daily life. I was fatigued all the time, barely had energy to get on with my daily activities, and I had skin symptoms that were very uncomfortable. I was very distressed by all of it, and became even more dissatisfied when the various doctors I had gone to see couldn’t figure out the cause. They tried some prescription medications but these barely controlled my symptoms, and the side effects were brutal. Then, they wanted to give me steroids, but I didn’t want that. So I came to homeopathy to try something new that might help, and most importantly, to get to the root cause. I understood that dialoguing was a part of it, which was perfect given that I wanted to start doing inner work as well. To learn more about myself, to go beyond getting rid of the symptoms, and to experience a more permanent change in my overall health and wellbeing.
Since I started doing homeopathy, I have noticed that my symptoms are much milder. And I really value the conversations that we have. I definitely have a much clearer understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and body. Your questions always invite me to look inwards whenever I have a new physical symptom. There are often these really profound moments, where I’d be answering questions defensively, then you ask me a question, and then there’s this… I get into this… I blank, and I suddenly feel something shifting in my body. And I think these are, probably as profound as the effects of the remedies. I like that I don’t get a lot of feedback from you because by doing so you are not strengthening the form. And it’s often things that I don’t expect, that I don’t know about myself that come up in our dialogues. They can be very illuminating. As for the remedies, I’ve experienced different effects. Sometimes the shift is very subtle and gradual. And sometimes the shift is more palpable and almost instant. But I’ve come to understand that it’s the subtle work, and the regularity of it, that is extremely important and most effective. Through homeopathy I have learned that healing is not about getting a big bang or a quick fix, it’s about transformation. And transformation has many forms- gradual, instant, subtle, vivid- but it is always, always powerful.
Since I started doing homeopathy, I have noticed that my symptoms are much milder. And I really value the conversations that we have. I definitely have a much clearer understanding of the interconnectedness of mind and body. Your questions always invite me to look inwards whenever I have a new physical symptom. There are often these really profound moments, where I’d be answering questions defensively, then you ask me a question, and then there’s this… I get into this… I blank, and I suddenly feel something shifting in my body. And I think these are, probably as profound as the effects of the remedies. I like that I don’t get a lot of feedback from you because by doing so you are not strengthening the form. And it’s often things that I don’t expect, that I don’t know about myself that come up in our dialogues. They can be very illuminating. As for the remedies, I’ve experienced different effects. Sometimes the shift is very subtle and gradual. And sometimes the shift is more palpable and almost instant. But I’ve come to understand that it’s the subtle work, and the regularity of it, that is extremely important and most effective. Through homeopathy I have learned that healing is not about getting a big bang or a quick fix, it’s about transformation. And transformation has many forms- gradual, instant, subtle, vivid- but it is always, always powerful.
She has been an absolute Godsend of a homeopath to our family. She helped me get though one of the lowest points I’ve ever experienced. Can’t say enough good things about her talent, skill, and intuition.
Emma is fantastic!! As soon as we close on our house, I plan to schedule with her again! Phenomenal, well-rounded skills in homeopathy and just an all around caring and compassionate person.
It has been such a delight working with you for my Miss A (and my care, too!). Relief, peace and healing have re-entered our home.
I have enjoyed working with Emma. Within 1-2 days of taking the core remedy she recommended, I could feel a mental shift towards a more solution oriented mindset. I am finding my own voice and being more my authentic self.
I just highly recommend Emma Banks!!!
My 3 year old son had huge tonsils and I noticed it when he was snoring so loud at night to a point of gasping for air. I scheduled him to be seen by his doctor but I knew that they would just prescribe medications and talk about possibly requiring surgery.
I reached out to Emma at a point when I, myself, was starting to get sick from not sleeping as I watched my son at night and being 35 weeks pregnant.
Emma took the time to really listen and asked a lot of questions about my son’s history from birth. I learned a lot more about homeopathy listening to her.
She made a recommendation that was specific to my son. I have been using a lot of other homeopathic remedies prior to my conversation with Emma. So, I was surprised with what she recommended. But she definitely knows her stuff.
My son slept well on Day 1 after following Emma’s recommendation. And the snoring is completely gone before Day 5. The tonsils are not quite back to normal, but it’s continuing to improve.
Just talking to Emma alone, was already therapeutic for me. She helped me so much. It was worth every penny.
Thank you so much for helping us. I think you hit the nail on the head with -anonymous- remedy. That first day she said she was itchy the second she got home so I gave her the granule and I put a little bit of calendula gel on the bites just to soothe them and buy us some time and then she was fine and didn’t mention being itchy anymore.
Then bedtime came and that was always a big trigger for her. She said she was itchy again so I gave her the water dose and just put a little gel on the bites again. She was asking “but what if it doesn’t stop itching?” And I told her to wait 15 minutes and if she was still itchy she could get out of bed and come find me. In the nights before that she would have screamed and panicked if I told her to wait but that night she said okay and she didn’t come out of her bed at all.
We basically repeated the same routine on Saturday night of her saying she was itchy and she asked for her “medicine water” so I gave her a sip of it and she went to bed without any problems.
Then tonight she didn’t mention being itchy at all at bedtime.
I can’t believe the literal overnight transformation! Should I keep giving the dose if she complains of itch or wait?
Thanks again,
Ps. Daycare is going GREAT. K slept for nap time and she is more her usual self as you said we should expect. Yay!
I wanted to provide an update now that we have a couple weeks of observation for MB.
Since we started the remedy, we have found it to be highly helpful. His scabs and scratching have dramatically decreased and the eczema patches are healing. Additionally, he does much better sleeping in his bed. Although he still comes into our room around 4AM, he actually starts out in his bed at night! WIN!
His emotional regulation is also improved when he are able to hit him with a dose at the start of a spiral.
Now it is just learning to support him and his temperament with the added breathing room.
Thank you!
Hi Emma. Yesterday I spent several hours out digging a trench. Last night there was an emotional trigger. Then at 4am I woke up in horrendous pain and nothing I’m doing is working. I finally tried arnica 1M and it’s a tiny bit better, but barely. My pain level is still 7-9 depending on position. What do I do?
Is this the same pain we spoke about or something else, if so please describe - location, sensation, and if the pain extends to somewhere. As we as underlying sort of vibe of emotional event - or describe it a bit?
Some dialogue to find the homeopathic medicine.
Praise Jesus! You nailed it! Within five minutes I was improving. It’s starting to creep back so I just redosed. Now I’m mostly left with a headache on the top of my head extending down behind my eyes (presumably from clenching my teeth all day) and my low back/legs are achey.
Sorry one more question. Would this be helping his mood too? He's been so happy and affectionate for days. Today he was a bit grumpy and after dosing he's all jolly again. He's even cuter than usual!
I started to notice a difference immediately when I would drop her off at daycare. At the beginning, she would still cry but then would calm down much quicker and was more interested in participating in the daycare activities. I would say after a week of giving the Pulsatilla she was able to stay at daycare for the whole time (4 hours). Before that, we were only staying 1-2 hours at a time (for just over a month) with lots of crying and no improvements. So I definitely noticed an immediate difference and after a week she was staying the whole time pretty comfortably (she had days that were on and off until August when I would say she was fully integrated and comfortable and then I didn't need to give the Pulsatilla anymore).
Alana Battiston, RD, CYT
Alana Battiston, RD, CYT
Rash Case:
“I keep exploding with this rash. I cannot handle it.”
April 30th 2022
Adult woman came to me for relief from a rash that started 3 yrs ago. She described it as red and angry, patchy, scaly, flakey, and intrusive. Very itchy and when she scratches it to try to relive the itching it stings. If she rubs fabric on the stinging alleviates. Itching is worse at night, she would wake up to herself scratching it. She wants to cover it up as she gets comments such as “it looks bad,” but it’s worse from warmth and she still knows it’s there all the time. This impedes her daily routines.
She also expresses difficulty with impatience, has serious digestive issues and has been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. “I am a snap dragon. My kids will tell you that too.” In the area of digestion, she suffers from stomach cramping, bloating, constipation and diarrhea which limits her from eating a variety of foods especially vegetables.
To choose the remedy, I based the selection upon the very clear miasmatic tendency, and two particular rubrics about the rash. Rubrics as follows:
Skin, eruptions, skin: warmth, of bed
Skin, itching, scratching agg.
First remedy:
Thuja 30c
once a week for three weeks
May 18th 2022
Email update: “I think the Thuja is already helping for the rash! First the itching decreased and now I'm seeing less red. It's such a relief!”
May 30th 2022
Follow-up appointment:
“I’m like a new person.”
“I’ve never seen something work that fast on skin.” (This client is a nurse by profession.)
“I can eat vegetables right now, they are not bothering me.”
“I keep exploding with this rash. I cannot handle it.”
April 30th 2022
Adult woman came to me for relief from a rash that started 3 yrs ago. She described it as red and angry, patchy, scaly, flakey, and intrusive. Very itchy and when she scratches it to try to relive the itching it stings. If she rubs fabric on the stinging alleviates. Itching is worse at night, she would wake up to herself scratching it. She wants to cover it up as she gets comments such as “it looks bad,” but it’s worse from warmth and she still knows it’s there all the time. This impedes her daily routines.
She also expresses difficulty with impatience, has serious digestive issues and has been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. “I am a snap dragon. My kids will tell you that too.” In the area of digestion, she suffers from stomach cramping, bloating, constipation and diarrhea which limits her from eating a variety of foods especially vegetables.
To choose the remedy, I based the selection upon the very clear miasmatic tendency, and two particular rubrics about the rash. Rubrics as follows:
Skin, eruptions, skin: warmth, of bed
Skin, itching, scratching agg.
First remedy:
Thuja 30c
once a week for three weeks
May 18th 2022
Email update: “I think the Thuja is already helping for the rash! First the itching decreased and now I'm seeing less red. It's such a relief!”
May 30th 2022
Follow-up appointment:
“I’m like a new person.”
“I’ve never seen something work that fast on skin.” (This client is a nurse by profession.)
“I can eat vegetables right now, they are not bothering me.”
28 Jun 2023, 19:33
to me
Hello! Belated update. Around the 13th of this month, I realized more shifted for X! I gave him his second dose Friday the 9th, and between the 9th and 13th, he's has two bloody noses, was the best he's ever been in Mass even sitting with cousins, and the bubble over his tooth "popped" this morning!
What was the bubble is still draining, so to speak. But still no redness, nor inflammation, and no pain. He's still been excellent during Mass which is incredible! And his tonsils have gone down just a bit.
to me
Hello! Belated update. Around the 13th of this month, I realized more shifted for X! I gave him his second dose Friday the 9th, and between the 9th and 13th, he's has two bloody noses, was the best he's ever been in Mass even sitting with cousins, and the bubble over his tooth "popped" this morning!
What was the bubble is still draining, so to speak. But still no redness, nor inflammation, and no pain. He's still been excellent during Mass which is incredible! And his tonsils have gone down just a bit.
We found three baby bunnies in our back yard with no mama. They seem to be weak and struggling. Wete trying to get them the milk they need (found a concoction recipe online). But any ideas for remedies or cell salts to help them out??
Update on the bunnies! God provided in a big way! First,
Emma Banks, the flower essences worked!! We gave them a few doses over a couple of hours and they perked up and started scurrying around. They wouldn’t drink but I put drops on their lips and hoped some got in. Amazing!
Update on the bunnies! God provided in a big way! First,
Emma Banks, the flower essences worked!! We gave them a few doses over a couple of hours and they perked up and started scurrying around. They wouldn’t drink but I put drops on their lips and hoped some got in. Amazing!