INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF ARNICA IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS (From the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy)
Homeopathy can be administered on the way to the hospital, it does not interfere with any other medication. Homeopathy is NOT a replacement for emergency help and medical assistance; it is a complement to it.
In emergency situations, it is important for the patient to have a large sip of Arnica (or about a tablespoon) on a regular basis. Homeopathy is based on the principle of minimum dose, meaning that one should take the remedy only as needed. i.e. when the pain returns. The patient should keep the remedy in his/her mouth a few seconds, allowing the liquid to flow or sit under the tongue.
Homeopathy is safe. There are no contra-indications with any other form of medication. It is not a replacement for any medication or medical treatment. It can be used in conjunction with all medication or treatment.
Arnica: Homeopathy can be administered on the way to the hospital, it does not interfere with any other medication. Homeopathy is NOT a replacement for emergency help and medical assistance; it is a complement to it.
First Aid Situation:
Frequency (every)
BAC1K PAIN; pain lumbar region; bruised, feels as if vertebrae are dislocated; can not walk erect because of back pain.
30CH/ 200
10 minutes for rest of day. 3 times per day until better.
DEN2TIST: before and after going to dentist
30CH/ 200
Day before one dose (see below)
DEN3 TIST: Soreness of gums, bleeding after extraction of teeth
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
EYE4INJURIES: black eye or due to foreign body
30CH/ 200
10 mins.
FALL - After a fall or injury to Head or any other part of the body. Bruising or soreness anywhere in the body.
30CH/ 200
20 minutes (until bed) once - twice per day afterwards
FEV6ER AFTER INJURY; with sore, bruised feeling (as if beaten) all over the body
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
INS7OMNIA (sleeplessness) due to tiredness; either physical or mental; bed feels too hard; must keep moving in search of soft portion for relief in bed. or from injury, sprain or strain.
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
30CH/ 200
2 hours Before and after trip
NO9SEBLEEDS after washing face (esp cold water) or from a blow.
30CH/ 200
One dose
30 minutes (2 doses)
SOR1E MUSCLES after exertion. hike etc.
30CH/ 200
One - two doses
SPR1AINS: accompanied by bruised pain
30CH/ 200
20 minutes
SUN1STROKE: Head very hot, while body temp is normal; eyes bloody red, attack sudden; stools and urine passes involuntarily
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
SUR1GERY - Pre operative care; at least 24 hours before the operation; to take care of the shock, after affects, etc...
30CH/ 200
1 dose 24 hours before. After: 10 minutes for rest of day. 3 times per day until better.
THR1OAT - Hoarseness due to over use of voice (politicians, singers...)
30CH/ 200
20 minutes
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
30CH/ 200
10 minutes
Homeopathy can be administered on the way to the hospital, it does not interfere with any other medication. Homeopathy is NOT a replacement for emergency help and medical assistance; it is a complement to it.
In emergency situations, it is important for the patient to have a large sip of Arnica (or about a tablespoon) on a regular basis. Homeopathy is based on the principle of minimum dose, meaning that one should take the remedy only as needed. i.e. when the pain returns. The patient should keep the remedy in his/her mouth a few seconds, allowing the liquid to flow or sit under the tongue.
Homeopathy is safe. There are no contra-indications with any other form of medication. It is not a replacement for any medication or medical treatment. It can be used in conjunction with all medication or treatment.
- Get a 500 or smaller bottle of spring or distilled water.
- Add 10 drops or 5 granules of the Homeopathic remedy to the bottle of water.
- Screw the cap of the bottle of water back on.
- Hit the bottom of the bottle on a pillow or against the heel of your hand 10 times
with a regular beat. - Allow the patient to sip from the bottle at least every 30 minutes depending on the
severity of the accident or pain. - After a couple of hours, let the patient sip only when the pain returns. The time
between sips should increase as the day progresses. (i.e. the number of sips
required should decrease.) - Some improvement should be felt within 24 hours. If there is no improvement
after 24-48 hours, discontinue use and call your homeopath. - If the pain returns the next day, add water to the bottle (or any time the bottle is
less than half empty) and hit the bottom of the bottle on a pillow or against the
heel of your hand 10 times. - The mixture in the bottle should be diluted as described above (8) each day.
- Continue use as needed for up to two weeks, depending on the injury.
Arnica: Homeopathy can be administered on the way to the hospital, it does not interfere with any other medication. Homeopathy is NOT a replacement for emergency help and medical assistance; it is a complement to it.
First Aid Situation:
Frequency (every)
BAC1K PAIN; pain lumbar region; bruised, feels as if vertebrae are dislocated; can not walk erect because of back pain.
30CH/ 200
10 minutes for rest of day. 3 times per day until better.
DEN2TIST: before and after going to dentist
30CH/ 200
Day before one dose (see below)
DEN3 TIST: Soreness of gums, bleeding after extraction of teeth
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
EYE4INJURIES: black eye or due to foreign body
30CH/ 200
10 mins.
FALL - After a fall or injury to Head or any other part of the body. Bruising or soreness anywhere in the body.
30CH/ 200
20 minutes (until bed) once - twice per day afterwards
FEV6ER AFTER INJURY; with sore, bruised feeling (as if beaten) all over the body
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
INS7OMNIA (sleeplessness) due to tiredness; either physical or mental; bed feels too hard; must keep moving in search of soft portion for relief in bed. or from injury, sprain or strain.
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
30CH/ 200
2 hours Before and after trip
NO9SEBLEEDS after washing face (esp cold water) or from a blow.
30CH/ 200
One dose
30 minutes (2 doses)
SOR1E MUSCLES after exertion. hike etc.
30CH/ 200
One - two doses
SPR1AINS: accompanied by bruised pain
30CH/ 200
20 minutes
SUN1STROKE: Head very hot, while body temp is normal; eyes bloody red, attack sudden; stools and urine passes involuntarily
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
SUR1GERY - Pre operative care; at least 24 hours before the operation; to take care of the shock, after affects, etc...
30CH/ 200
1 dose 24 hours before. After: 10 minutes for rest of day. 3 times per day until better.
THR1OAT - Hoarseness due to over use of voice (politicians, singers...)
30CH/ 200
20 minutes
30CH/ 200
30 minutes
30CH/ 200
10 minutes