Value gained from homeopathic treatment
The following are indicators of health used by the homeopath to measure the improvement of your vital health and the holistic action of the homeopathic remedy.
Research demonstrates that Self Rated Health provides more reliable information than any other diagnostic tool.
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These criteria are solid indicators of health, well being, and healing capacity.
- Freedom
- Optimism
- Objectivity
- Relationships
- Chief Complaint
- Energy
- Sensation
- Susceptibility
- Value gained from full consultations (self-inquiry)
- A deeper understanding of who you are, this is often experienced as "insight". Clients express this as, wow, I never thought of it that way before, I never realized before that was why I do/think/feel this way, I've never said that out loud before, I've been to counseling for years, but I this is the first time we’ve gotten to what is really meaningful to me. This conversation goes deeper and encompasses more of your whole self.
- An exploration of what makes your soul shine
- The real blocks to freedom from suffering (and ways to remove them).
Freedom of Response
Do you have knee-jerk reactions?
- Do you yell at your kids/family? (who you love and want to treat with gentleness and respect when you get triggered by them)
- Do anxious and/or repetitive thoughts run through your mind?
- Do you feel helpless in these moments, maybe forcing yourself to count to 10 or to breathe?
Be free to choose how/if you respond rather getting triggered and reacting.
Together we look at what makes this situation triggering to you, and we find a remedy that addresses just that, rather than acting from impulse, with homeopathic treatment you can have the space and ability (freedom) to choose your actions.
I know that it may seems impossible now, but with correct homeopathic treatment you actually get to have moments of optimism. And eventually it can become a standard part of how you see the world and your life.
You get to see opportunities for growth where you couldn't before.
Yes, even if your current circumstances stay the same.
Rather than assuming the worst, examples: feeling victim to your circumstances, or feeling disappointing with what's happening, stuck, a lot of things going badly, you will actually see opportunity and feel hopeful, and, of course, optimistic!
Optimism is also an indicator of health, and, whereas it can be cultivated through things such as gratitude activities, it can also be born within yourself with the right homeopathic remedies.
See things in perspective and with objectivity.
Take things less personally.
Stop feeling misunderstood or disrespected.
Stop feeling the victim of the situation.
Mutually supportive relationships, people with whom we can share activities and emotions, people whose company we enjoy play an important role in our well being.
See and perceive others more objectively and clearly.
Chief Complaint
The chief complaint comprises the symptom(s) or state that you wanted to address as well as how you relate to it, and the impact the chief complaint has on your life.
Ex. headaches, skin rashes, intrusive thoughts, pains, etc.
A general increase in energy is seen when using classical homeopathic treatment. This may translate into it being easier to get up in the morning, less caffeine required during the day, less desire for sweets and carbs, exploration of hobbies and interests, less night-wakings, more present with children and spouse.
More vital energy is available when there is less preoccupation and mental chatter. There is less "nervous' energy, and more balanced energy available for day-to-day and inspired tasks.
This is not medical advice and I do not give medical advice. I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose or treat any health conditions.